
Top Low-Sugar Fruits to Add to Your Diet

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Top Low-Sugar Fruits to Add to Your Diet

Eating healthy can be tasty and fun! There are many tasty fruits and vegetables low in sugar. Nevertheless, our emphasis will be on fruits that can enhance the nutritional value of our diet. While fruits are nature’s sweet treats, it’s worth noting that some of them contain high levels of sugar.

The sugar in fruits is scientifically called “fructose.” If you want to keep your sugar intake low, it’s important to know which fruits have less sugar but are still packed with vitamins, minerals, and flavour. Here are some of the best low-sugar fruits that you can add to your diet.


Strawberries are not only delicious, but they’re also low in sugar. One cup of strawberries has about 7 grams of sugar. They are high in vitamin C, which is great for your immune system, and they have fibre that helps with digestion. You can eat them fresh, add them to your cereal, or blend them into a smoothie.


Blackberries are another great option. They have about 7 grams of sugar per cup. They are also rich in vitamins C and K, and they provide antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage. Blackberries are perfect for snacking, topping your yogurt, or mixing into a fruit salad.


Raspberries are sweet and tart, with just 5 grams of sugar per cup. They are loaded with fibre, which is good for your digestive system, and they have lots of vitamins and minerals. Raspberries are fantastic on their own, mixed into oatmeal, or added to desserts for a healthy twist.


Kiwis might look strange on the outside, but they are sweet and juicy inside. A medium-sized kiwi contains roughly 6 grams of sugar. They are high in vitamin C and have potassium, which helps your muscles work properly. Kiwi is one of the best fruits low in sugar for diabetes. You can eat kiwis by themselves, put them in a fruit salad, or blend them into a smoothie.


Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that’s low in sugar, with about 9 grams per half of fruit. It’s a great source of vitamins A and C, and it has antioxidants that are good for your health. Grapefruit can be eaten plain, added to salads, or used in fruit juices. Just remember that it can be a bit sour, so you might want to sprinkle a tiny bit of natural sweetener on it.

Top Low-Sugar Fruits to Add to Your Diet


Did you know that avocados are fruits? They are very low in sugar, with less than 1 gram per avocado. Avocados are packed with healthy fats, fibre, and vitamins like E and C. They are perfect for spreading on toast, adding to salads, or making guacamole.

Lemons and Limes

Lemons and limes are super low in sugar, with only about 1-2 grams per fruit. They are rich in vitamin C and add a refreshing flavour to water, tea, and many dishes. You can squeeze them over fish, use them in dressings, or add their juice to drinks for a zesty kick to your tastebuds.


Watermelon is a summer favourite that’s surprisingly low in sugar, with about 6 grams per cup. It contains 92% water, which helps keep you hydrated, and it has vitamins A and C. Watermelon is great for snacking, making fruit salads, or even grilling.


Peaches are juicy and delicious, with about 13 grams of sugar per medium peach. They are a bit higher in sugar than some other fruits on this list, but they are still a good option in moderation. Peaches are high in vitamins A and C, and they make a perfect snack, dessert, or smoothie ingredient.


Oranges have about 12 grams of sugar per medium fruit. They are well-known for their high vitamin C content, which is good for your skin and immune system. Oranges are easy to take with you, peel, and eat on the go. They also work well in fruit salads and juices.

Tips for Enjoying Low-Sugar Fruits

  1. Eat a Variety: Try to include different fruits in your diet to get a range of nutrients. Consult a dentist near you to get recommendations as per your body’s nutrition.
  2. Watch Your Portions: Even low-sugar fruits should be eaten in moderation to keep your sugar intake in check.
  3. Mix with Other Foods: Combine fruits with protein-rich foods like nuts or yogurt to make a balanced snack.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Many low-sugar fruits have high water content, which helps keep you hydrated.
  5. Fresh is Best: Fresh fruits usually have less sugar than dried or canned fruits. Always check labels if you’re buying packaged fruits.

Adding low-sugar fruits to your diet is a great way to enjoy sweet flavours while keeping your sugar intake low. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, kiwis, grapefruit, avocados, lemons, limes, watermelon, peaches, and oranges are all fantastic choices. They offer a variety of health benefits and can be eaten in many different ways.

Saby Dental Can Help You Identify Nutritional Fruits For Your Diet

Next time you’re looking for a snack or something to add to your meal, reach for one of these delicious, low-sugar fruits. And if you need any help identifying fruits with a low sugar level, consult our in-house Red Deer dentist at Saby Dental.

Our expert healthcare providers will assess your body’s nutritional level, gain insights into your overall health conditions, and prescribe a diet that will work wonders!

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